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Why Should You Hire a Philadelphia Wrongful Death Lawyer?

Who Is Eligible to File a Law Suit Regarding a Wrongful Death?

If a member of your relatives was killed in a manner that was not justified, you or your household might be able to receive economic reimbursement. 

Consult Philadelphia's wrongful death lawyer if you or a close relative or acquaintance has suffered the loss of a loved person as a cause of an accident.


The attorneys at the professional legal firm defend each client with a passion for achieving the most remarkable outcomes available in every situation. With us, Philly wrongful death attorneys can help you.

Cases involving wrongful deaths are filed to adjust the economic impact of the death of one or more of the deceased from their family members to the individual or company responsible for the death of the deceased. 

The law recognizes that it is unfair for bereaved loved ones to be forced to survive financially when they and the deceased are responsible for the situation. 

For this purpose, the Penn Wrongful Death Act authorizes the legal representatives of the estate of a deceased individual to file a claim for reimbursement on behalf of:

  • Deceased spouse
  • Children of the deceased who are still minors
  • Adult children who are financially dependent on the deceased
  • Victim's father and mother

The rule recognizes that the categories above individuals suffer the most tremendous monetary loss whenever someone dies. 

In addition, children and their parents have a profound psychological connection with their parents or partners, and they depend on them for mental assistance and guidance. 

This is true even though they are not biologically related. The survivors must be compensated for the death of their relatives as a decision by law. 

In Pennsylvania, more distant relatives, such as brothers or siblings, are still not eligible to receive compensation in the event of wrongful death litigation.

If a covered entity somehow does not file a wrongful death complaint within six months of the deceased person's death, all persons listed above have the legal right to do so themselves.

Losses they may accept to compensate for the following: funeral and bereavement expenses; loss of potential income; emotional stress; loss of partnership (loss of support or support from a deceased person); and civil penalties designed to punish wrongdoers for their recklessness.

We know that no cash can replace or resurrect a loved one who has passed away. 

However, understanding that those responsible for the untimely death of a loved one have been held accountable for their actions can provide some peace to your relative. Knowing that your household will be well-supplied for years can also comfort you.

What Things Do You Have To Prove?

You are essentially going down the trail of the individual who died and bringing in any claims they might have taken had they survived when you file a wrongful death claim. 

This type of lawsuit is known as a "derivative" lawsuit. 

For example, if one of your loved ones is killed due to a faulty manufactured item, that person could file a lawsuit against the company that made the item if they survive. 

And, if the deceased person is killed due to another person's carelessness, that person may be able to sue the responsible party for negligence if that person survives.

As the individual initiating a complaint for wrongful death, you will be asked to establish everything the deceased has to prove. 

For example, you may be required to document and convince that a specific machine component or merchandise is unsafe because it contains defects to win your case. 

There are two possible causes for this defect: a manufacturing defect or a technical error. 

You can also point out that the item is defective because the company needs to provide its user's clear instructions or warnings for safe operation. As such, this would be another worthy argument. 

When it is proven that the item in question is defective and its use has resulted in the death of your loved one, the manufacturer is automatically liable for the resulting damages.

Many claims for "negligence," a common legal word for "lack of care," are included in wrongful death litigation. In construction locations, many individuals are typically accountable for keeping the place as risk-free as possible. 

When they do not practice due precautions, and the death of your beloved person was the direct consequence of their failure to act accordingly, you're entitled to the right to file a claim for wrongful death, depending on their negligence. 

You will be required to provide evidence for the following four components:

  1. Responsibility: The wrongdoer had an obligation to treat the beloved one with the highest level of proper care.
  2. The wrongdoer did not practice the acceptable level of care required (a breach).
  3. Harm: Your beloved one passed.
  4. The defendant's failure to exercise due precautions was the primary suspect of the decedent's passing.

For instance, the proprietor of the work site may have failed to notify the worker or the site engineers that the sediment on the construction project is constantly moving, which could cause problems during the construction process. 

Suppose the surface moves and causes the death of your loved one. In that case, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the property owner for carelessness because now the landlord has failed to notify the appropriate parties that the surface was risky.

Relatives suffering are not needed to figure out who to sue in court. Because you were not present at the location of the tragedy, no one has any way of understanding the specifics of what led to the passing of your valued one. 

After passing a beloved one, you should be solely concerned with the health and happiness of your family members, both physically and psychologically. 

Delegate the investigation of the facts to professional injury attorneys at a trustable law firm. 

These experts can travel to the workplace and conduct interviews with eyewitnesses to determine who is to blame fault for the demise of your beloved one.

Keeping Track of Information

When you have experienced the loss of a dear one in a building projects disaster, you should prioritize getting in touch with a lawyer as soon as possible. 

The site location must be inspected, examined, and documented in the exact same situation in which it was when the incident happened because the very essence of a worksite is that it's in a constant state of continuous change. 

The building proprietors may attempt to address the potential hazard that resulted in the incident or try to disguise it. 

Alternatively, the risky situation may be removed entirely as a component of the initial building projects. 

Because of this, you could use a lawyer who will perform swiftly and effectively to guarantee that you present the most compelling case necessary, so it's possible to get your maximum compensation.

To make a convincing claim for wrongful death, a person needs the skill and knowledge that may only come from years of practising personal injury law. 

For example, when you use an excellent brand for offering a dangerously flawed product, you will likely need the services of an expert witness who can point out defects in the process or product or assembly to judges and juries. 

Or, when you argue that the construction site is dangerous due to the defendant's inadequate maintenance, you need witnesses knowledgeable about the different safety regulations to demonstrate how the defendant violated his obligation to take proper precautions.

Finding credible witnesses who can testify as experts requires much effort and isn't a task an individual can accomplish independently. 

To be eligible as expert witnesses, competent experts need adequate expertise and experience, and even so, they must additionally be capable of conveying complex subjects easily understood by non-specialists. 

Our legal team has decades of expertise in constructing claims with the assistance of expert witnesses, so we're ready to assist you in proving your legal claim.

To adequately defend a client in wrongful death proceedings involving the workplace, one needs a group of aggressive investigators and empathetic attorneys committed to giving their clients their best efforts. 

Therefore, our Penn and New Jersey injury attorneys collaborate with a group of experts and engage staff to analyze each claim. This enables us to actively and passionately support our clients and achieve maximum results.

Questions Concerning Wrongful Deaths in Philadelphia

For example, a fire that broke out in a childcare center resulted in the death of one child. It is possible that the fire was caused by an electrical disturbance in the residence's main area due to an unfit-for-the-use extension cord.

The indescribable suffering that comes from the death of a loved one in a very tragic way is compounded when the death is the direct result of someone else's carelessness or indifference. 

Legal action after a tragedy can benefit the household by holding someone accountable and reducing the risk of further adverse events. 

For some, the death of a loved one results in a financial burden and a change in the lifestyle of the surviving family members, a problem that can be reduced with the help of remuneration.

What is Actually a Wrongful Death Claim?

According to Pennsylvania law, the death of a person precipitated by the fault or recklessness of a criminal attack or the irresponsibility of another person" is considered a wrongful death.

In court, a claim seeking to recover damages from an entity legally responsible for the wrongful death of a person is called a wrongful death lawsuit.

This type of lawsuit is also called a wrongful death act. It will seek reimbursement for damages done to relatives resulting from death (including loss of income and assistance of the deceased individual) and for special damages, which may involve health care and funeral expenses associated with the death. 

Wrongful acts of death actively seek compensation for harm done to relatives caused by the death.

How is Responsibility Established in a Particular Instance of Wrongful Death?

Relatives who lost a loved one who perished wrongfully have the right to compensation from those legally responsible for the death. 

In a broad sense, lawyers for bereaved families show responsibility by proving:

A person had a responsibility to the dead. A care obligation is a responsibility to refrain from acting in a way that puts another person at an unreasonably high risk of injury. 

Depending on the circumstances of their encounters, different people may have additional obligations to each other. 

For instance, all motorists in Philly owe it to one another to drive safely and avoid being careless enough to put themselves in danger of getting into a mishap. 

Philadelphia companies are responsible for maintaining their establishments clear of unnecessarily unsafe conditions for the benefit of their clients. So forth.

An obligation of care was broken by one side. Besides making choices or taking measures that place others in danger, an individual or group violates their duty to take precautions. 

If a driver speeds, for instance, they are not exercising due care. When a substance spills on a ceramic floor, the company's proprietor is in violation of their responsibility to clear it up.

The deceased died as a result of the intrusion. In summary, a party violates a duty of care whenever it results in damage, including a fatality in a mishap or event resulting from the violation.

What Kinds of Accidents Cause Wrongful Deaths in Philadelphia?

The most common cause of accidental fatality lawsuits in Pennsylvania is auto accidents. 

Some mishaps, events, or circumstances in Philly that might result in a wrongful death involve:

  • Risky asset characteristics like unattended public pools in which a person might suffocate and slick surfaces that might trigger anyone to stumble.
  • Defective goods result in fatality if they are meant by regular customers and therefore are unreasonably risky.
  • Medical misconduct, also termed medical carelessness on behalf of a patient care practitioner, can result in an avoidable fatality through mistake, surgery fault, childbirth injury, drug mistakes, or inappropriate process after medical therapy.
  • Accidents at building sites where employees are killed, such as electrical shocks, slides from high altitudes, and machinery failure.

What is the Meaning of Survival Action?

Cases of wrongful deaths center on the harm suffered by the victim's surviving family members. 

At Penn, however, survivor cases allow agents of the victim's estate to pursue compensation for injuries sustained by the deceased before he/she died. 

The case of survival is basically made by the heirs of the deceased. 

They can legally sue for compensation suffered by the deceased, from when that person started the injury until his death. 

Usually, death, wrongful, and survival claims are filed simultaneously because they result from an accident to the victim.

Who May File a Claim for Wrongful Death?

According to the Pennsylvania court, those who remained nearest to the person who died and relied on them for monetary assistance are the ones who are commonly impacted by a wrongful death.

Consequently, the following parties are permitted to file a wrongful death case under the PA constitution:
  1. The spouse of the person who died
  2. Children under 18 of the deceased (minor children)
  3. Older children of the deceased who relied on the person who died for income support
  4. The mom and dad of the deceased

Will the PIP Policy Include a Death Benefit in Philadelphia?

Depending on the kind of PIP insurance your beloved one had and the extent of the advantages it offered. 

All drivers in Pa must maintain personal injury protection plans, and many of these plans include a death benefit. 

If your beloved one's coverage had this advantage, you could find out from your insurer or a knowledgeable Philly wrongful death lawyer.

Can I Have a Claim for a Wrongful Death Case of an Unborn Baby?

Yes, it is possible. A healthy fetus who dies in the womb due to someone else's mistake can file a lawsuit in PA for wrongful death. 

You could consult a wrongful death attorney in Philly if that happened to you. 

Thus your attorney will advise and learn information regarding your relative's choice of law in cases where the unborn child dies unexpectedly.

May I ask for punitive damages in the lawsuit I've filed for wrongful death?

Losses known as punitive damages go further than the victim's actual expenses and the adverse effects on his or her existence. 

The person found to be at blame in an accident is subjected to punitive damages if their actions were extremely careless. 

In situations involving wrongful death, relatives can pursue punitive damages in PA. 

Your lawyer should clarify the possibility that this course of action is appropriate in your specific situation.

While I'm a resident of Philly, the Accident Itself Took Place in a Different State. So Where Would I Proceed in My Claim for Wrongful Death?

Identifying the appropriate court system where you can initiate a claim for wrongful death may be difficult and time-consuming. 

If you find yourself in this sad predicament, our main suggestion is to consult a competent attorney here in Philly to determine the most effective way forward. 

The attorney may conclude that the lawsuit should be filed in a courtroom in another state instead of a judge now in Pennsylvania. 

If this is the case, the attorney may also assist you in making contact with credible legal representation in a different state.

A Tragic Accident at Work Took the Life of My Husband. Is It Possible to Bring a Claim for Wrongful Death?

Mostly, employees are protected by the employers' compensation statute in Pennsylvania. 

Most companies in the Commonwealth are required by law to acquire an employee's compensation insurance coverage on behalf of their company people employed. 

Once a deadly accident at work has concerns for a worker and causes their passing, this insurer benefits the person's relatives who survived. 

Providing such a death benefit often replaces any entitlement to pursue a wrongful death action against the employer's company in the event of the employee's passing.

Nevertheless, depending on the specifics of the situation, the relatives of the worker who passed away might be granted the lawful authority to file a claim for losses against a third person (a person who was neither the worker's owner of a business nor even a colleague) who was liable for triggering the laborer's death. 

A professional wrongful death attorney in Philadelphia is the best person to advise you regarding your legal options.

It Has Been Brought to My Attention That the Compensation Given in Wrongful Death Related to Youngsters or Senior Citizens is Much Less Than Those Shown in Incidents Concerning Adults. Is That Something That Happens?

It also seems complicated to put a monetary value on someone's death at any stage of life, regardless of who it was.

Yet, financial damages are the sole settlement our judicial process may offer for a death caused by another party's negligence. 

We also discovered that the financial worth of losses involving youngsters and seniors has dropped under values observed in situations regarding the death of an adult. 

This has occurred in a few of the situations that were investigated. 

This difference in the proportion that it occurs, maybe a result of the reality that such lost income of a dead adult contributes to the losses which are recovered in wrongful death suits, but kids and seniors hardly receive payment.

Yet, the rules of Penn allow for the recovery of considerable harm in every wrongful death action. 

Because of this, we strongly recommend anybody suffering the death of a dear one get in touch with a knowledgeable Philadelphia wrongful death attorney as soon as possible.

How is it Determined How Much a Lawsuit Involving Wrongful Death Is Worth?

Calculating the appropriate compensation amount for the victims' families is among the many crucial tasks that need to be completed by an expert wrongful death lawyer in Philadelphia. 

The estimate attempts, in most cases, to assign a financial impact to the damage that a family experiences as a direct result of an unfortunate death. 

The whole calculation considers two broad classifications of harm: economic damages, like hospital costs, funeral costs, and lost earnings, and nonfinancial impacts, including the loss of human connection and the distress caused by unexpected passing.

When attempting to estimate the worth of damages to be sought in a wrongful death lawsuit, an attorney will think about the following factors:

  1. The dead person's age and medical condition at their death.
  2. Earnings of the dead according to the time of their passing
  3. The number of hours or specialized training that the dead person was required to complete throughout their lifetime to achieve the employment position they were employed in at the point of their death.
  4. The death caused the family to lose future advantages, including retirement or paid vacations, which are no longer available to them.
  5. The individual's identity as liable and the level of carelessness, arrogance, or purpose are shown.
  6. The degree of physical and emotional distress that the deceased person went through as a consequence of the harm that finally resulted in their death.

Cases Involving Wrongful Deaths Are Sometimes Resolved Outside of the Courts

Yes. In real terms, just like in other claims involving personal injuries, most wrongful death claims are settled out of court before proceeding to judgment. 

But this only sometimes applies to the scenario. To reach satisfactory and equitable compensation for a wrongful death case, competent wrongful death lawyers in Philadelphia frequently devote substantial time to mediation sessions with opposition sides and respective insurance agents. 

Since there can always be a certainty that a legal case will be resolved with a courtroom battle, seasoned lawyers understand that they must consistently be ready for the possibility that the lawsuit may be challenged.

Incidents involving wrongful death may be resolved at any moment. Also, several cases may be resolved rapidly, often within a few months after initiation. 

Some people might only decide something once they've reached the stages of the courtroom. There are a lot of things that go into determining the possibility that a case will settle or when it will. 

Contact a skilled wrongful death attorney in Philadelphia to discuss the possibilities of reaching a settlement regarding your particular case.

How Are Losses for Wrongful Death Distributed Among Many Survivors of a Dead Family Member When Several People in the Family Survived the Deceased?

According to the legislation of the Pennsylvania state legislature, wrongful death payments and settlements are apportioned as follows:

If the estate goes to one husband or wife, the initial $30,000 is given to the spouse as their share. The remaining amount is split among the surviving spouse and their descendants.

If you do not have a remaining spouse, the full payment will be split amongst surviving children. 

If there are no living children, the entire sum will be distributed amongst the dead person's parents.

Should I Expect to Pay Taxes on My Wrongful Death Payment?

The Internal Revenue Service states that almost all wrongful death settlements, including judgments, do not have to be reported as taxable income except for punitive damages. 

Yet, survival action settlements are subject to taxation to the degree that they include lost earnings and future income from which the deceased might have been subject to tax had they lived. 

Talk to a knowledgeable wrongful death attorney to learn about the tax consequences of any money you may expect to make from a wrongful death case.

You might be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit to get compensation for the passing of a dear one if the loss was caused by another party's carelessness, recklessness, or deliberate conduct. 

Get in touch with knowledgeable lawyers for wrongful death in Philadelphia right now to get a free investigation of your case.

Don't hesitate to Speak with an Attorney About a Wrongful Death Case.

Families that have lost a loved one want financial assistance so they may cover their costs and start putting the pieces of their relationships back around each other. 

When you are grieving the passing of a dear one, you may find it challenging to communicate with others and even go anywhere. 

Despite this, you should still make arrangements to consult with a wrongful death lawyer in Philadelphia since the legislation in Pennsylvania doesn't give you an endless opportunity to file a lawsuit against the responsible party. 

However, you have just two years from when your beloved one passed away to the time you may file a wrongful death claim in the trial that has jurisdiction over the matter.

If you do not act quickly enough, there is a significant chance that you will be unsuccessful in your legal action. 

This indicates that you and your nearest and dearest will get no payment for the tragedy, regardless of who was responsible. 

You must find the time to either make a call or write a message to a qualified wrongful death attorney, so they can begin the court procedure as soon as possible and defend your claims.

Is It the Day to Contact a Wrongful Death Lawyer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?

If a member of your family passes away while working at a job site, you and your household may be eligible for monetary compensation. 

Touch the ideal attorney law firm once you require the services of a personal injury lawyer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to serve you, a representative of your relatives, or a buddy who has suffered the loss of a dearly departed one as a consequence of a mishap that occurred on a worksite. 

These attorneys encourage clients to achieve the greatest possible outcome in every case. 

We will conduct a comprehensive investigation of the factual evidence to determine the party that is accountable for the passing of your beloved one and provide a convincing argument to the court.

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